maanantai 25. heinäkuuta 2016

"What do you wanna do in life?"

Today, at my fifth job interview in six days, the guy who interviewed me asked me what I wanted to do. What my goals were. And I looked at him, shrugged, and said: "I don't know. Be happy." Guess I tanked that job interview. But I do know what I want to do. 
I want to spend quality time with my friends and family.
I want to travel the world and live in foreign places until they become as familiar as home.
I want to see my friends be happy.
I want to not worry about money.
I want to meet interesting people.
I want to make people smile. 
I want to be good at my job, yes, but I don't want it to be my whole life.

And you know what? I don't need a big time career for that. I need a job that makes me smile most days and doesn't suck too hard on bad days. A job that pays enough for plane tickets every now and then and let's me help people. I might never be a big player, but that's not my goal.