I found this nice article through CapGemini. I myself have had some problems with keeping up concentration at our office where people are talking to each other across the office or over your head. It's kind of annoying when you're trying to re-calculate the work hours of a mathematically challenged employee and someone starts babbling right beside you.
Here's some tips and tricks.
1. Create a virtual wall
use headphones and listen to ambience/natural sounds to shut out noisy co-workers.
"The best sounds for concentration are natural and unpredictable. Ambient electronic music tends to work well at blocking out noise yet it doesn’t create a distraction. Try binaural beats in stereo headphones. Neurophysiologists believe these sounds can induce the brain into a deep state of concentration, creativity and relaxation."
2. Have a "Collaboration table"
if you want people to collaborate, give them a special area to do so, so they don't have to worry about disturbing others and others don't have to try and concentrate through noisy brainstorming.
3. Adopt a "Do not disturb attitude"
set aside a certain amount of time a day, where you are not to be disturbed and concentrate only on your own work.
"In a study published in Applied Psychology, people seeking help performed better at work, but people providing help actually performed worse. Scientists determined that alternating between helping others and doing your own work imposes a heavy “cognitive load” because you have to reacquaint yourself with the details of your project each time you return to it. Not to mention –multitasking is a fallacy."
Interested in reading the whole thing? switch over here
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